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Avsluttet prosjekt

Staying competitive: Challenges for a small open economy

Prosjektperiode 2014–2018
Oppdragsgiver Norges forskningsråd
Prosjektnr. 10031
Prosjektleder Erling Barth

The primary objective is to produce high quality research that increases the understanding of how a small open economy adapt and stay competitive, faced with challenges from the financial crises, increased immigration, and offshoring, as well as challenges from a large oil and gas sector.

The proposed project consists of three independent, but closely related sub-projects.

In the first sub-project we study how productivity, wages and profitability are related to innovation and competition, utilizing variation both over time, caused by the financial crisis and the great recession, and induced by globalization.

In the second sub-project we investigate how native workers' employment, occupational specialization and educational investments are affected by higher immigration and more offshoring. How does stronger integration in the international labour market affects employment and the optimal direction of natives’ skill formation; both for the individual and for the society?

In the third sub-project we investigate how increasing international economic integration influences the welfare state. Greater exposure to international competition might imply a higher level of external risk and income volatility for large segments of the labour force. We want to examine to what degree the exposure to external risk leads to a growing demand for publicly provided social insurance, because voters want to insure themselves against potential income losses due to international competition.

One of the main critical R& D challenges in the project is to identify causal relationships. In order to do that, we will exploit state of the art methods.

The findings from the project should be of high relevance, both for the research community and policy makers.

Working Papers:

Marianne Røed, Pål Schøne and Janis Umblijs, «The Joint Impact of Offshoring and Immigration on Wages: Matched Employer-Employee Evidence from Norway»


DeltakerGrad TelefonE-post
Erling Barth Forsker I Dr. polit. 930 91 410 erling.barth@samfunnsforskning.no
Harald Dale-Olsen Forsker I Dr. polit. 482 83 527 958 08 463 harald.dale-olsen@samfunnsforskning.no
Henning Finseraas Forsker I, bistilling Ph.d. henning.finseraas@ntnu.no
Arnfinn Haagensen Midtbøen Professor a.h.midtboen@sosgeo.uio.no
Marianne Røed Forsker I Dr. polit. 480 39 594 marianne.roed@samfunnsforskning.no
Pål Schøne Forsker I Dr. polit. 986 22 125 pal.schone@samfunnsforskning.no
Jon Horgen Friberg (Fafo)


  • Friberg, Jon Horgen & Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen (2021). Bortskjemte nordmenn og sultne innvandrere. Arbeidsgiverpreferanser og betydningen av etnisitet i norske arbeiderklasseyrker. I Ljunggren, Jørn & Hansen, Marianne Nordli (Red.), Arbeiderklassen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Barth, Erling; Bryson, Alex & Dale-Olsen, Harald (2020). Union Density Effects on Productivity and Wages. Economic Journal. 130(631), s. 1898–1936. doi: 10.1093/EJ/UEAA048. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Finseraas, Henning; Høyland, Bjørn & Søyland, Martin G. (2020). Climate politics in hard times: How local economic shocks influence MPs attention to climate change. European Journal of Political Research. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12415. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Finseraas, Henning; Røed, Marianne & Schøne, Pål (2019). Labour immigration and union strength. European Union Politics. 21(1), s. 3–23. doi: 10.1177/1465116519881194. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Barth, Erling; Davis, James Creece & Freeman, Richard (2018). Augmenting the Human Capital Earnings Equation With Measures of Where People Work. Journal of Labor Economics. 36, s. S71–S97. doi: 10.1086/694187. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Friberg, Jon Horgen & Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen (2018). Ethnicity as skill: Immigrant employment hierarchies in Norwegian low-wage labour markets. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 44(9), s. 1463–1478. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1388160. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Friberg, Jon Horgen & Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen (2018). The Making of Immigrant Niches in an Affluent Welfare State. International Migration Review. doi: 10.1177/0197918318765168. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Barth, Erling & Moene, Karl Ove (2017). Reell eller Ideell Konkurranse. Samfunnsøkonomen. 131(2), s. 92–102. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Dale-Olsen, Harald (2018). Wages, Creative Destruction, and Union Networks.
  • Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen (2017). Immigrant Niches and Ethnic Hierarchies In Norwegian Low-Wage Labour Markets.
  • Friberg, Jon Horgen & Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen (2016). Structuring Liquid Migration: The Role of Labour Demand in Shaping Patterns of Mobility.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Emneord: Arbeid
Publisert 11. nov. 2016 13:46 - Sist endret 27. feb. 2024 16:28