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Family and gender equality policy

CORE conducts research on the significance of and attitudes towards gender equality and family policy.

Family policy and welfare state schemes are often perceived as being vital to the development of gender equality. CORE conduct research on:

Family policy and family policy schemes

The main feature of Norwegian family policy is schemes that promote women’s participation in the labour market and contribute to more equal division of care and responsibility for children between women and men. CORE conducts research on the consequences and effects of family policy and family policy schemes in a gender equality perspective. Parental leave and kindergartens are some of the schemes we are interested in.

Attitudes to and popular support for gender equality

Attitudes to and popular support for gender equality are also key aspects of the research conducted at CORE. We examine the population’s attitudes towards gender equality and gender equality measures. Some of the key questions in our research are: How does popular support for gender equality in Norwegian society develop over time, what kinds of tensions exist, is there a polarisation tendency between population groups in their views of gender equality, and how can we explain any growing scepticism towards gender equality among different groups in society?

Gender equality in a Nordic and European perspective

Norwegian gender equality policy has developed at the point of intersection between national traditions, Nordic variation and European and international trends. CORE is concerned with lifting its gaze beyond Norwegian conditions and looking at the Norwegian political agenda and public debate in light of conditions beyond Norway’s borders. For example, we are interested in the Europeanisation of gender equality policy and issues linked to whether a Nordic gender equality model exists.

Published June 4, 2017 7:51 PM - Last modified June 20, 2017 6:44 PM