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Completed project

Interaction between civil society and other social actors (governance)

Project period 2014–2017
Project employer Kulturdepartementet, Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet, Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet
Project nr. 10023.2

This subproject will shed light on two questions. First, we examine new forms of collaboration between the voluntary sector and other actors. Second, we will examine what types of significance new forms of interaction have for the different players involved.

The answer to these questions is sought within the realm of two subprojects:

  1. Interaction between the voluntary sector and the public sector.

  2. Interaction between voluntary sector and the private sector. 

The projects will mainly be carried out as case studies with a collection of qualitative data and document analysis, and as comparisons on a local, national and international level. 


Tord Skogedal Lindén PhD Research Director Send e-mail
Tags: Civil Society
Published May 25, 2017 9:50 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 3:24 PM