Norwegian version of this page
Ongoing project

The interaction of volunteering with business

How can private companies and voluntary organizations work together? This project examines how the cooperation between the business world and volunteering in Norway.

Project period 2023–2023
Project nr. 10457.19
Project leader Ivar Eimhjellen

In order to gain better and more comprehensive knowledge about how cooperation between voluntary organizations and private companies is taking shape today, about the opportunities and challenges of such cooperation, there is a need for new empirical studies. In this project, an exploratory study is carried out to gain more knowledge about motivations and forms of cooperation between business and volunteering in Norway.

Research questions

  • How can private companies and voluntary organizations work together?
  • What types of relationships and cooperation exist between Norwegian organizations and companies today?
  • How do voluntary organizations and companies experience the cooperation between them?
  • What motivates such cooperation and what value does the cooperation have for the parties?
  • What challenges can such cooperation bring with it in terms of shifting goals, commercialisation, legitimacy and reputation for the voluntary organisations? 


Nessa, Benedicte & Eimhjellen, Ivar (2024) Co-operation between voluntary organizations and private corporations.Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector. Report 2024:1. Full text in Research Archive


Ivar Eimhjellen PhD Senior Research Fellow Send e-mail
Tags: Civil Society, Working Life
Published May 4, 2023 3:07 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 3:28 PM