Norwegian version of this page

Deporting Foreigners: Contested Norms in International Practice (NORMS)

Deportation of irregular migrants and rejected asylum seekers is widely known to pit host states against these migrants, but deportation also pits host states against these migrants’ origin states. Liberal European host states cannot unilaterally send migrants back to the origin state they come from.

 norms logo

The project identifies the norms that determine (non-)deportability and theorises the scoping conditions under which they are promoted and contested.

Project period
2021 - 2024
Project employer
The Research Council of Norway
Project nr.
10483 / NFR: 314300
Project leader
Erlend Paasche

 Picture of NORMs researcher Erlend Paasche

ISF project represented at Embassy Seminar

NORMS researcher Erlend Paasche was recently invited to the Embassy Seminar organised by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), to present his research and engage in dialogue with key stakeholders working with return policy.

Research questions

  1. How do host and origin state agents involved with deportation normatively understand it?
  2. To which extent, how and under which conditions do these state agents engage in norm entrepreneurship to legitimise or delegitimise deportation?
  3. How do national norms of deportation evolve?
  4. To which extent and how do norms of deportation clash within the EU border agency Frontex?



Erlend Paasche

Erlend Paasche
Project leader
Institute for social research



Jan-Paul Brekke
Institute for social research




Grete Brochmann
University of Oslo




Nicole Ostrand
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Oslo




Maisie Florence Fitzmaurice
Universitetet i Oslo

Asnake Kefale


Asnake Kefale
Forum for Social Studies



Tefera Negash


Tefera Negash
Erasmus University Rotterdam



Wil Hout


Wil Hout
Erasmus University Rotterdam




Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn
PhD Fellow
Institute for social research