Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

Voluntary work in Norwegian long- term care

Prevalence, forms, interaction with professionals and potentials for the future
Project period 2013-–2016
Project employer Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Project nr. 413107

Empirical knowledge about the scope and composition of volunteering within long- term care (LTC - "pleie- og omsorgstjenesten") in Norway is scanty. The project, which is a cooperative endeavor involving the five regional Centers for Care Research in Norway, Institute for Social Research, Oslo and Ersta Sköndal University College, Sweden, seeks to start filling this knowledge gap. The part of the project which involves Institute for Social Research examines the prevalence of voluntary work in the LTC sector in the adult Norwegian population, how this activity varies with background factors such as gender, age, education, income and geographical region, and the central motives for voluntary work in LTC. The collection of the Norwegian data will be carried out in 2014 as part of the planned Survey on Volunteering.


Dag Wollebæk PhD Research Professor +47 464 33 306 Send e-mail
Published May 24, 2013 2:41 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 4:15 PM