Gender equality policies in academia: Variations and impact

Poster with information on the event

NORDICORE invites to a webinar where we address measures of gender equality and diversity in Nordic academic institutions. 

  • Charlotte Silander presents findings from the study: Institutional variation and gender equality measures in the Nordic countries, co-written with NORDICORE-researchers Ida Drange, Liza Reisel and Maria Pietilä
  • Ivana Suboticki and Siri. Ø. Sørensen presents findings from the study: Non-human policy worlds: a study of Norwegian research and higher education policy - gendered aspects? 

There will be room for questions after each presentation, and at the end of the seminar we will have an open discussion.

For those who want to participate, please contact:

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Publisert 17. nov. 2020 10:44 - Sist endret 18. nov. 2020 11:28